Thursday, November 18, 2010

Оbsessed and The Volvo C30: The only car as soulless as its owners!

Hello to my blog,
За съжаление не съм много сериозна в постването в блога ми, поради липса на време и доста задачки и в никакъв случай поради липса на желание. Тъй като се оказа, че имам нелеката задача да напиша статия за Volvoto C30 на Едуард от Здрач, (статията е по-скоро е за самите коли във филма.) отколкото за една от любимите ми теми вампирите, книгите и филмите за вампири. Както и да е, търсенето ми на информация за тези красиви автомобили без да иска ме доведе до още информациа ако така мога да го нарека за Здрач или по скоро открих много интересни и забавни слогани, които биха забавлявали и феновете на здрач... може би е малко по остаряла информация, но поради липсата й в моя скромен блог, аз реших все пак да пусна този пост. Иска ми се да вметна малко и за колите и вампирите.
Въпреки че, в поредицата от книги Здрач се пише за едно и също волво, във филмите е различно. В Здрач Едуард (Робърт Патинсън) кара волво С30, в Новолуние той кара по новия модел на волво и може би една от най-сигурните коли, волво ХС60, интерсното е че в самите книги волвото е 300HP Volvo S60R, оказва се че, този модел е спрян от производство през 2007г. Може би за това продуцентите се спират на по-новия модел на волво и безспронно поне за мен една от най-красивите коли, „Здрач” определено вдигат рейтинга на модела. Безсмъртните карат най-сигурната кола или поне правят добра реклама на волво, искам да допълня, че вдигането на рейтинга и на продажбите след филма е факт. (или поне ако информацията, която можеш да вземеш от интернет и от хората е сигурна.), дали защото много от широката публика дори не е знаела за този модел или защото колата наистина (не мога да отрека), заслужава аплодисменти. Какъв по-добър автомобил за вампир от ултра безопасното волво?
“If you live forever, what car would you live for?”

Ето извадка на някой от слоганите, за които писах по-горе. Enjoy 

Глупаво агне, търсещо извратен, мазохистичен лъв.
Казваш „тромав” така, сякаш това е лошо нещо.
НКР: Натрапчиво Кълън разтройство.
Почакай! Каза ли нещо? Не беше свързано с Едуард и не внимавах.
Аз съм извратен, мазохистичен лъв.
Аз съм глупаво агне.
Ухапи ме.
Тъп блестящ собственик на волво.
Направи го още веднъж и ще те порежа с хартия точно пред Джаспър.
Шофирам като Кълън.
И така, лъвът се влюби в агнето....после лъвът си тръгна. Отбор Джейкъб.
Не ща да бъда принцеса. Искам да бъда вампир!
Отбор Бела. Препъваме се и на равното.
Не блестиш, няма смисъл да говоря с теб.
Заслепи ме.
Харесвам студени,мъртви и блестящи мъже.
Това е от „Здрач”. Няма да разбереш.
Не, не съм Алис. Просто си предсказуем.
Сърцето ми принадлежи на моя съпруг, но шията ми принадлежи на Едуард.
Скъпи, Джейкъб, СПЕЧЕЛИХ. Искрено твой, Едуард.
Едуард е новия Хари.
Списък с желания за Коледа: 1. Да се преместя във Форкс. 2. Да срещна Едуард. 3. Да стана вампир.
Уахапан от Едуард. Аз искам.
Ухапи ме, само за вампири.
Блестящия тен е на мода.
Измислен вампир съсипва брака ми.
Всичко, което искам, е великолепен, безсмъртен, студенокож, блестящ притежател на волво (сребристо), който да ме ухапе.

Слоганите са взети от „Обсебени” на Джордж Беъм.

Vamp kisses

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Black Dagger Brotherhood quotes

And mooooreeeeee :)
"God, he even knew their names. Rhage. Phury. And that scary-ass Zsadist guy.
Yeah, no Tom, Dick, and Harry names for the vampire types.
But come on, could you actually imagine some lethal bloodsucker named Howard? Eugene?"

"Shit, he was nervous as he looked at her lips. Which was so strange. He'd had so much sex over the course of his life, all different kinds of combinations, but the prospect of kissing her properly wiped all of that away: He was the virgin he'd never been, clueless and weak-kneed." Vishous

"I love you forever" didn't always need to be spoken to be understood."

"You would have made a fine warrior, you know that?"
I am one. Death is my enemy."
Yeah, it is, isn't it." God, it made such sense that he'd bonded with her. She was a fighter… like him. "Your scalpel's your dagger."

"Funny thing about glass. When you broke the shit up, it got pissed and bit back."

"Perfect date material, she thought. A vampire with the social equivalent of road rage."

"Wonder if she has a sister?" Rhage asked.
Phury laughed. "You wouldn't know what to do with yourself if you ran into a female of worth."
This coming from you, Celibate?" But then Hollywood rubbed the stubble on his chin, as if considering the ways of the universe. "Ah, hell, Phury, you're probably right. Still, a male can dream."
He sure can," V murmured."

"The warrior (Zsadist) rolled his black eyes. "Come on, man. What does it matter to me? You, Tohr. Britney Spears."

"Indeed, the human mind appeared to suffer from a crippling need to fabricate in the absence of concrete proof."

"It was hard to know what was worse: him being with her and all her sisters, or him being with none of them because his heart was held by another."

"If the Angels won, the entire Earth would be nothing but one giant Christmas frickin' morning, a choking wave of happiness and warmth and caring and sharing taking over everything."

"Wrath dragged Beth into his arms and hugged her hard, talking in that other language again. When he pulled back, he ended the monologue with something like leelan.
Beth: "Is that vampire talk for bitch?"

"Those eerie diamond eyes shifted over to her and she stilled, as if he's willed her to do so.
There was a moment of silence. And then in a rough voice the man whose life she saved spoke four words that changed everything...changed her life, changed her destiny: "She. Comes. With. Me."

"You're a good Irishman, right?" When Butch nodded, V said, "Irish, Irish… let me think. Yeah…" Vishous's eyes sobered, and in a voice that cracked, he said, "May the road rise to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rains fall soft upon your fields. And… my dearest friend… until we meet again may the Lord hold you in the palm of His hand."

"Welcome to the wonderful world of jealousy, for the price of admission you get a splitting headache, a nearly irresistible urge to commit murder, and an inferiority complex."

"And if you ever put a gun in my face again, I will fuck you up no matter what my job is."

"I could take you down on this sidewalk and be up that skirt of yours in a heartbeat. And you wouldn't fight me, would you? No, she probably wouldn't.

"Course, I always knew you were a royal. Just didn't know it went past the pain-in-the-ass part."

"Stop it.
Do not feel safe with him. The Stockholm Syndrome is not your friend."

Vampire bite

Monday, September 6, 2010

and some more....

"In the beginning, we didn't hit it off, did we? But then I realized the truth about you and I fell in love. Thank you for letting me see through your eyes and walk awhile in your boots."

"All right, then, her first rule for the rest of her days: no more looking outside
for definitions. She might not have any clue who she was, but better to be lost and searching than shoved into a social box by someone else."

"Hallmark really needed to start up a line of revenge cards, the kind that let you reach out to those you were going to come after with a vengeance."

"They don't fit you?" V asked his roommate.
Not the point. No offense, but these are wicked Village People." Butch held his heavy arms out and turned in a circle, his bare chest catching the light. "I mean, come on."
They're for fighting, not fashion."
So are kilts, but you don't see me rocking the tartan."
And thank God for that. You're too bowlegged to pull that shit off."
Butch assumed a bored expression. "You can bite me."

"V settled back against the pillows and measured the hard line of her chin. 'Take off your coat.'
Excuse me?'
Take it off.'
I want it off.'
Then I suggest you hold your breath. Won't affect me in the slightest, but at least the suffocation will help pass the time for you."

"I miss you. I miss you so fucking bad it hurts, but I don't know how to find you even though you're right in front of me."

"An Active mind didn't need distraction in its physical environment. It needed a collection of outstanding books and a good lamp. Maybe some cheese and crackers."

"Your hands on a gun butt right now, isn't it? Afraid of me?'
Just want to make sure I can take care of you.'
Oh, really?'
Yeah, in case you need Glock-to-mouth-resuscitation."

I thought maybe I could go to Charleston and show up at your front door to give this back and maybe… you might let me in. Or something. I was worried that another male would court you, so I've been trying to go as fast as I could. I mean, I figured maybe if I could read, and if I took a little better care of myself, and if I tried to stop being such a mean-ass motherfucker…" He shook his head. "But don't misunderstand. It's not like I expected you to be happy to see me. I was just… you know, hoping… coffee. Tea. Chance to talk. Or some shit. Friends, maybe. Except if you had a male, he wouldn't allow that. So, yeah, that's why I've been hurrying."

"She was glad she didn’t know where it would take her. Because sometimes the only thing that got you through hell was that you were in too deep to pull out."

"The essential truth of life, he was coming to realize, wasn't romantic
and took only two words to label: Shit. Happens.
But the thing was, you kept going. You kept your friends and your
family and your mate as safe as you were able. And you kept fighting even
after you were knocked down."

"Okay. Right. Horror meets romance meets erotica meets fantasy meets hip hop. Throw in some leather and some Miami Ink shit, stir with a baseball bat and a tire iron, sprinkle on some baby powder, and serve over a hot bed of Holy-Mary-mother-of-God-this-has-to-work-or-I'm-going-to-be-a-lawyer-for-the-rest-of-my-natural-life.
No problem."

"United by their clasped hands, they became again the two halves, the light and the dark. The Destroyer and the Savior. A whole."

"Okay. Right. Horror meets romance meets erotica meets fantasy meets hip hop. Throw in some leather and some Miami Ink shit, stir with a baseball bat and a tire iron, sprinkle on some baby powder, and serve over a hot bed of Holy-Mary-mother-of-God-this-has-to-work-or-I'm-going-to-be-a-lawyer-for-the-rest-of-my-natural-life.
No problem."

"And then Tohr said softly, "I'm lucky to have found love, I thank the Scribe Virgin every day that Wellsie is in my life."
Wrath's Temper surged, set off by something he couldn't put his finger on. "You're pathetic."
Tohr hissed. "And you've been dead for hundreds of years. You're just too mean to find a grave and lie down."
Wrath threw the leather jacket on the floor. "At least I'm not pussy whipped."
Nice. F*cking. Suit."

"On the chessboard of his godforsaken existence, the pieces were lined up, the play preordained. Man, so many times in life you didn't get to pick your path because the way you went was decided for you.
Free will was such bullshit."

"This was why people got mated, Rehv suddenly thought. Fuck the sex and the social position. If they were smart, they did it to make a house that had no walls and an invisible roof and a floor that no could walk on-and yet the structure was a shelter no storm could blow down, no match could torch up, no passage of years could degrade.
That was when it hit him. A mated bond like that helped you through shit nights like this."

"He knew he was being overbearing as hell, but he couldn't help it. He was a bonded male. With his pregnant female. There were few things on the planet more aggressive or dangerous. And those bastards were called hurricanes and tornadoes."

"Pull up your big girl panties and just do it."

"Man, he wasn't going to need a stress test anytime soon. If his heart could get through a kiss from her, he could probably run a marathon.
While dragging a car behind him.
Sideways to the road."

I think i can write the whole books here :D....

Vamp kisses


This is some of my favorites quotes from The Black Dagger Brotherhood:

"I was dead until you found me, though I breathed. I was sightless, though I could see. And then you came...and I was awakened."

"When I want you to beg, I'll tell you."

"That's you," Wrath said. You shall be called the Black Dagger warrior Dhestroyer, descended of Wrath son of Wrath."
"But you'll always be Butch to us," Rhage cut in. "As well as hard-ass. Smart-ass. Royal pain in the ass. You know, whatever the situation calls for. I think as long as there's an ASS in there, it'll be accurate."
"How about bASStard?" Z suggested.
"Nice. I feel that."

"I believe there's a hand that guides us. It just isn't always a gentle one. Or one that seems fair at the time. But I dunno, I try to trust in it now. When I freak, I just try to... shit, I guess trust in it. Because at the end of the day, what else can you do? Choice only gets you so far. Reasoning and planning too. The rest... it's up to someone else. Where we end up, who we know, what happens to the people we love... we don't have a lot of control over any of it."

"Besides, you think I'm not used to hurting? For me, it's home sweet home, my brother."

"Some things are destined to be -- it just takes us a couple of tries
to get there."

"I liked you, cop. From the moment I met you. No… not the first moment. I wanted to kill you when I first met you. But then I liked you. A lot."

"Love was worth sacrificing for, he thought as he left his room. Even if it wasn't yours."

"The truth was...he was in love with her. Totally over-the-line, no-going-back, not-even-dead-would-he-part kind of shit."

"After all, tragedy didn't discriminate, so everyone was subject to the same whims of fate."

"Some bridges you crossed on your own, no matter who drove you to the edge"

"All I know is, she's a pounding in my chest that I can't ignore. . . hell, that I don't WANT to ignore."

"Sometimes in life, from out of a myriad of prosaic decisions like what to eat and where to sleep and how to dress, a true crossroads is revealed. In these moments, when the fog of relative irrelevancy lifts and fate rolls out a demand for free will, there is only left or right – no option of four-by-fouring into the underbrush between two paths, no negotiating with the choice that has been presented. You must answer the call and pick your way. And there is no reverse. "

"A book unopened alters not the ink on it's pages"

Vamp kisses


Hello, today in this sunny day :) I wanna share my opinion and some info for the author J.R.Ward and her fascinating books The Black Dagger Brotherhood. They are really, really amazing and i recommend everyone to read them. I think i'm in love with the books, they are full of love, sex, tension, vampires, dangerous-night world with big beautiful arrogant men :D. The whole time the author keep us in suspence, with every page the books become more and more interesting,fascinating! You can fell in love with the whole world there, and with the vampires :D ,too! This is the summery for the first book Dark lover:
"In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there's a deadly turf war going on between vampires and their slayers. There also exists a secret band of brothers like no other - six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Among them, none relishes killing their enemies more than Wrath, the leader of the Black Dagger Brotherhood..."
They are not good for your social life, because when you start reading them you cant stop, whatever it happens. It's more powerful then you! :) xixix
I think you should know this!
Vamp kisses

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Vampires: The Occult truth

Hello, readers i found something. First of all i wanna say this, i was looking in google for... nothing important and i found a book, or can I say The Book, the author is Konstantinos, who for over fifteen years have researched the occult and written several books about. The one i found is Vampires: The Occult truth, and you can find this book in, i think its published in 2002. However, i think you can read it in internet, too. The book is easy to read, very, very interesting and very well-written. Describes almost everything about vampires, where they’re from, and about the "famous" vampire from history and movies, books, who have inspired the modern view of them. The book is mostly written for people who belive in magic and supernatural side of life. There you can find many cases of recent contacts with vampire and their victims, and also which i think is great we can read letters from vampires, that tell us of their hidden life. "We are real, we are many, we are forever." This sentence is written from vampire, and its from Konstantinos book. There you can find a convincing evidence that vampires really exist. Of course i'm not quite sure that i believe in everything in the book, but i'm so, so curious about it.
In the book Konstantinos says something like, who can tell us that vampires doesn't exist? who can prove that they don't? And where is the evidence, real evidence! It's like when we're breathing in oxygen, just because we can't see it, who's to say that it doesn't exist?

Vamp kisses

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I watched Eclipse a few days ago, and again I can't say that is Eclispe vs. New Moon or Twilight, but still my number one is Twilight, and the reasons are so many, maybe I will repeat myself... I will mention, again that the directors in the all movies are different.. and that is not good, because the directors put their own style of movie-making into the movies and defenetly shows. If I had to be honеst, I was disapointed from Eclipse, but I saw that a lot of people like the movie...maybe the problem is in me, because I'm in love with the hole saga named Twilight, and I expect the best of the movies, I was afraid of that any part of the film wоuld't like me as much as others and I will be frustrated. Whatever... Now i will present my reasons not to like Eclipse the movie:
In the first place i wasnt intrigued, the second reason is that all the time the actors wеre unnatural, with wigs... I'm so sorry, but they could endeavor a little more. And again I feel that there was a downgrade in Bella and Edward's acting, in all actors... Robert didn't look like a vampire, in Twilight he was number one in acting, but here in Eclipse i don't like it. Twilight was grayish, rainy, love vampire movie. In New Moon have the werewolfs, actions scene which isn't bad, I like it... In Eclipse doesn't even rain, they are in the most rainy place on Earth, the sun was shining and it, even that could score a little imagination.
I can't deny that the movie has good points, as defined soundtracs I liked, some of them, the battle was number one. However, all actors are great, doesn't matter how they play, they are great. I liked that they hadn't change the story and they use more of the quote from the book. I just think that Twilight is the best of the three movies, there I can't found things not to like... Still with Twilight it all began, and my love with vampire stories and books, and I think with many girls in the world is the same!

Vamp kisses

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Елизабет Батори

Открих в исторически план малко информация за Елизабет Батори, която се смята за вампир, но тук описвам по-скоро малка част от историческите данни за нея.
Графинята Елизабет Батори, с истинско име Ержебет, родена в Унгария през 16-ти век, жена с благороден произход.
Елизабет държала като затворнички 600 млади момичета, вярвала че кръвта им може да я запазят млада и красива, тази идея и била подвърдена от нейните слуги, за които се говорило, че практикуват вещерство. Това се случило един ден докато Батори си правила прическата, но по невнимание нейната слугиня дръпнала косата и по силно. В пристъп на гняв Елизабет ударила прислужницата толкова силно, че кръвра на момичета опръскала ръката й. Графинята почуствала, че допирът с кръвта причинил подмладяване на кожата й. Точно тази случка е началото на убийствата на Батори, тя е започнала да убиван наред и да се къпе в кръвта на жертвите си, дори пила от кръвта им като вампир за да провери пълния им подмладяващ ефект. Извършва повече от престъпленията си в замъка Чахтице, но се премества във Виена, Австрия, когато е разкрита... Предполага се, че е била психично болна още от дете.
Първите и жертви били измежду собствените и слуги, именно за това дълго време била не разкрита. След като започнала да напада млади момичета от благородно потекло е била разобличена. Затворена в собствения си замък, окована и зазидена в спалнята си, където след около три години намира смъртта си. Елизабет никога не се е разкаявала за стореното.
Интересно е, че можем да я разпознаем като един от вампирите вдъхновили Брам Стокър да напише легендата Дракула.

Трябва да добавя много важна информация, която открих в укипедия. След смъртта на Надажди, съпрурът на Батори, граф Турзо, един от бойните му другари, проявява претенции към някои от личните имоти на вдовицата. Разгневен от отказа й, той подема кампания по дискредитиране на графинята и очерняне на образ й.Подкрепен от интернационалното еврейство и подлите намерения на Хабцбургската династия, таяща сърковена мечта да сложи ръка на територията на Унгария, Турзо сътворява пъклен план, останал в историята като едно от най-масовите убийства. С помощта на интернационалното еврейство подлият конспиратор започва масови кланета в териториите около замъка на графинята. Разбира се, целта на злокобния заговор е да се хвърли вината върху графиня Батори. Чрез насилие и заплахи заговорниците скалъпват фалшиви показания от слугите на Батори и селяните, живеещи в и около замъка. Самият папа не е склонен да повярва на манипулираните доказателства, но под натиска на набиращата мощ Хабсбургска империя е принуден да отстъпи и да осъди Батори за мнимите й деяния. Слугите на графинята са осъдени на смърт, докато поради факта, че е от благороднически род, Батори е осъдена.

Vamp kisses

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Quotes :)

Here is some of my favorite quote, I take them from my favorite books. :) enjoy  (:of course the most of them are from Twilight. :)

When you can live forever, what do you live for?

Fire and Ice.
Some say the world will end in fire, some in Ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice, I think I know
enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice

"And so the lion fell inlove with the lamb..."
"what a stupid lamb"
"what a sick masochistic lion..."

"Even when you believe you're alone the ones who love you
are still watching over you. ''

"I'm here and I love you. I have always loved you and I will always love you."

"Before you, Bella, my life was an endless night, very dark, but
there were stars-points of light and reason... And then you shot across my life like a meteor. Seddenly everything was brilliancy, there was beauty"

"You are the very best part of me."

"Myths in which we believe, becoming a true."

"In dreams and in love, nothing is impossible."

"Myth in the end, is a story without end..."

Vamp kisses

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Back to Twilight. :)

I will give you 50 reason to be in love with Edward Cullen.
Many of them I took from the book of George Beam "obsessed", in his book are of course 150 reasons, but i will be more brief. I strongly recommend this book, its described many of the world of Twilight and Stephenie Meyer.  Here is the highlights.
First he is a vampire. Very important, he is a gentleman. He looks you like you're the one thing in the wotld, he is intersted. He is rich. He sings you a lullabies. He shines. Would love you for life. He would die for you.He has a rich vocabulary. Put funny jokes. He is faithful.
Would do everything for you to be happy. He makes other girl to jelous. It is a contemporary Romeo. If he says forever... keeps the promise.  He wants to marry you as soon as possible. He is a superhero. He transfers you while you sleep. He growls. He is your vampire angel. He has morals. He is not afraid to tell you how much he loves you. He have a melodic laugh. He's handwrithing is perfect.
He's volvo is sexy. He's smells like heaven. He is romantic. He plays the piano. It gives you security. Kissing is damn unique. :) He can enter your room without anybody noticing. Appears from nowhere and then kiss you. He is sexy. He is the most beautiful man on the planet. (: No, not the planet, in the universe:) Take care of you. He have a conscience. Unique smile. He is able to make you immortal. He whispers you nice things in your ear. Keeps your face when he kisses you. Forever will be young and gorgeous. He will write a song for you. He loves you for what you are.  He is jealous. From 1918 is single. He have an amazing taste in music. Says you're wonderful, and not only that you look wonderful. He is passionate. He is Edward Cullen!

I was carry on for a little, I made them much more than 50, but you understand ... I could write all day as thousands of reasons, though it echoes the case of Edward. I will say boldly, dream of almost every woman regardless of age, views and whatever it was. Could such a man exists on this earth? Unless a vampire, obviously only vampire can love forever. :) But don't lose hope, I hope all who have't found your Edward find it. (Me too)

"I'll be back so soon you will not feel my absence. Take care of my heart I left it with you"

Vamp kisses

Friday, April 9, 2010

Vampire diaries

Really, really I'm in love with Damon :D, I just watched the last episode, I've read the first and the second book, and i start the 3-th book, it so interesting and excited! In a lot of places I've read that the series was made on behalf of books and some basic ideas and things are taken from her, main characters as such. I'm in love with the books and with the series of course, just think actors are perfectly chosen, the idea of series are great and even if it were made and placed at the time at which the "vampires" were't so high-profile, with security would still be successful! Just show is unique, and Damon is the most unique of all:) keep them in suspense all the time and that of Damon at times he goes goodness:) just the show is number one!
Also, the main actress is Bulgarian, and is great and I would say that she is playing very well. Can't wait to exit the next season, which is very annoying because the episodes come out very slowly.
Vamp kisses

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Когато едно дете каже аз не вярвам във феи, някъде умира една фея"

Мисълта ми зад този цитат е следната, нещата в които вярваме се превръщат в истина, хората сме много различни и вярваме в много различни неща. Някъде там е истината :).
Със сестра ми си говорехме на тема вампири, обикновено всичко което науча и го споделям, както и да е. Тя ми каза следното, няма вампири, или поне не по начина по който на мен ми се иска. И тогава ми каза, ако има вампири така както ние си ги представяме значи трябва да има всички митични същества от легендите, фей, леприкони и т.н.
Легендите идват от нещо, може би от някаква истина, може би отричаме нещата които не можем да обесним, но всякакви чудеса се случват по света всеки ден (някои от тях не могат да се обеснят, но е факт, че чудеса има), това не ни ли кара да се замислим че няма невъзможни неща и може би някъде там или по край самите нас има всякакви митични и необясними неща. По някога не мога сама на себе си да си обесня, защо съм толкова чуствителна на тази тема, и защо толкова се интересувам от вампири, и защо искам да разбера има ли ги? А има ли ги наистина? Това е един огромен спорен въпрос, и много хора се интересуват, но истината все още е някъде там и чака да бъде открита.
Vamp kisses

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dear Diary :P,
В този пост искам да наблегна на митичните вампири, вампирите от легендите и фолклора, на всичко назад във времето. :)
В така наречените легенди и митове на много народи има присъствие на вампири, в укипедия може да видите, че образа който познаваме днес на вампирите (красиви и силни човекоподобни същества) е бил създаден в Западна Европа, смята се, че там легендите за подобни същества са много разпространени (са били и все още са и не само там, ами по цял свят). Много интересно беше, че научих, че митовете за вампири са били най-силни в Източна Европа, а тук няма никаква информация, нито пък съм чувала някои да споделя някакви "страшни истории" чути от някоя баба, естествено изключвам Румъния. :P Да се върнем на темата, в славянския фолклор, където смятат вампирите за възкръснали мъртъвци, които убиват хора като пият кръвта им или ги душат. В тези митове и легенди се казва " Вампирът може да бъде унищожен чрез отрязване на главата, стрела напоена с прясна човешка кръв или чрез изгаряне. Пряката слънчева светлина ги забавя, но не може да ги убие." И най-разпространените версии и т.н. Да отидем малко по напред във времето, през 17-18 век, през 17 век има нов бум на интереса към вампирите, който го свързват със серия епидемии (в Европа). А 18 век е бил преломен в развитието на европейската култура, тя открива на народите цялата прелест на суеверията. Всички устни предания започнали да се записват и издават, разкази за вампири се появили във вестникарски новини, в сборници с народни предания и дори във официални документи, повечето от данните за вампири, които има света са точно от този период. Много интересно е и това че тогава се появява и друго мнение за вампирите, което дава и началото на "красивия вампир" т.е. "същества с човешки облик, значително бледа и студена кожа, красиви с изключителна мощ. Защото до преди това са ги смятали за грозни същества, по-скоро приличащи на животни. Не намерих информация, на какво се дължи промяната в мнението на хората, но ако намеря с удоволствие ще я споделя.
Vamp kisses
Като продължение на миналия ми пост искам да споделя малко информация, която намерих, по точно
гледах в едно видео за вампири. Този клип ми напомни, че началото на всички вампирски истории идват от самия Граф Дракула, в този пост ще се опитам да наблегна малко повече на този факт и ще се опитам да преразкажа това, което научих.
Необяснимото, това е нещо което или ни плаши или сме привлечени от него, някой отричат това което не могат да разберат и няма логично обяснение, както в случая с вампирите, може би точно защото ги плаши. Както и да е не това е най-важното, но все пак всичко е възможно, нали? Има хиляди легенди за същества пиещи кръв и излизащи от гроба за да нападат живите, откриваме ги навсякъде, дори и от времето на древен Египет, има ги описани във фолкора като безсмъртни същества, живеещи от кръвта на невинните, които могат да бъдат убити от слънчева светлина или прогонени от кръст, убити от кол забит в сърцето и погребвани с камъни в устата. През последното столетие романа на Брам Стокър "Дракула", създаде безброй имитации и разбира се началото на "вампиризма" от страна на модата, филмова индустрия и хиляди романи за вампири, но и е създало и общество от последователи, хора желаещи да бъдат вампири, дори пиещи човешка кръв и живеещи като вампирите от митовете, в ковчези, далеч от слънчева слетлина, наистина е уникално как се е създала цяла една вампирка култура. Във видеото което гледах, имаше човек който живееше точно по този "вампирски" за него начин и разкаваше историята си, която аз ще се опитам да разкажа. Този човек твърди, че неговото семейство го е въвело в таен орден на вампири, пие кръв от 12 годишен. О Боже аз си мислих че аз съм луда на тема вампири, определено сам сгрешила..... До толкова ли манията към вампирите се отразява на човека или е породено от желанието за безсмъртието и бягане от реалността, пориви за които сигурно и повечето хора не искат да знаят и не си обесняват. В Бевърли Хилс, Америка има място, фенклуб повече от бар с необичайно облекло и странни хора, това е място което събира хора, издигнали вампирите във фетиш, клиентите там или по добре да кажа хората мислещи се за вампири, разказват че за тях това е място на което всичко е възможно, свят в които можеш да постигнеш амбицийте си, колкото и странни да са те за нормалния човек, те са основали дори и собствено "вампирско дружество" в които главен ментор е човека за който ви разкавах по горе. Според религията на този човек, ще го нарека J. вампирите са не-мъртви богове, съставени само от психична енергия, които разбира се търсят смъртни домакини, които да обладят и от оттам идва промяна в тялото и оттам според J. се създали вампирите. Той разказва че дори със самия него се случило след някакъв индицидент, за които аз ще спестя подробностти, та след този инцидент той твърди че започнал да вижда мислите на хората, усещал емоционалното им състояние.... незнам до колко това е истина и е възможно, аз съм човек който вярва във съществуването на вампири и изобщо на неща за които няма доказателства. Но сто процентово не мисля че този човек е вампир, или някои от обществото в което беше. Хората имат различни подбуди да се присъединяват към различни общества,
копират вампирския начин на живот, доколкото е възможно, да притежават силата и магнетизма излъчвани от вампирите.
Дракула, полу-човек, полу-чудовище, неустоим вампир? Класиката на Брам Стокър от 1987г. е преведена на много езици, век след първото и издаване продължава да се печата неуморимо и има защо, разбира се. Историята черпи омайващата си сила за мита за вампирите. Дракула се разкрива чрез страниците на дневник, премеждия на английския адвокат Харкър, който пътува за Трансилвания за да срещне с тайнствен клиент, граф Дракула. Интересното е че Трансливания се превежда "земя отвъд горите" и също "земя над облаците" , място където всичко е възможно включително присъствието на фантоми и вампири, и дори върколаци. Стокър добре е проучил историята, описанието в книгата на първата среща на адвоката с Дракула е взаимствана от древен трансилвански фолклор. Брам Стокър е изградил една забележителна история за зло, ужас, сексуалност, сила и безсмъртие. Легендата е безсмъртна, защото докато съществуват хора те ще жадуват за безсмъртие и вечна младост. В контраст на отвъдния живот, обещаван ни от много религии, вампиризма обещава физическо безсмъртие тук и сега.
Трансилвания, област от днешна Румъния е толкова мистериозна и до днес, колкото е била и през далечната 1890г, всичко прочетено в романа "Дракула" е от процес проучвания направени от Брам Стокър и базирани от автентичен фолклор от Трансилвания. Тук и е и иронията, хората мислят, че е продукт на въображението на Стокър, но всъщност се оказва, че Брам Стокър не е измисил нищо, всичко това е продукт на история и фолкор, а и дори да са легенди и митове, не се ли съдържа малко истина в легендите, не идват ли те от нещо истинско?
Митовете и легендите в които вярваме или не накрая се оказват истина, и защо не, кое е невъзможно?
Вампирите ни пленяват, защото ни отвеждат до места с неограничени възможности, места в които безсмъртието е факт, а болестите нещо невъзможно, където силата и красотата са част от съществуването!
Vamp kisses

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dear diary :),
Today i was looking for some information, about vampires and gues what, i found some intresting things, and i will post them. But first i will tell you that i'm furios about some... Since I've been so interested about this topic, regularly i've read whats on the web. And for the first time i found so new thing about vampires, so new posts and stories, maybe that is because in these day this is a very modern topic, i dont know, however. Now i will post some entry that i found.
In March 2009 during excavation of the graves of victims of the plague was found the skeleton of a woman, much like a vampire.
In her mouth was stuck brick. Historians believe the woman probably had vampiric tendencies.The reason for this assumption teeth are preserved in excellent condition, which did not resemble a human, but rather close to the wolf.
"So far, no such remains were found, says Matteo struggling archaeologist at the University of Florence. - But we have come across documents described vampire and how they were buried in the ground with stones, bricks or other heavy objects in their mouths.
Which gives reason to believe that the woman was a vampire. Not all scientists involved in finding, are in this opinion, however. Opponents of this theory believe that the remains are of a woman with serious genetic disorders. But what unfortunately come upon her - no response.
The skeleton of a woman was the most well preserved compared to others in their graves.
This is a small part of that i was found, in some sites and forums i found that people shares there stories what they see, and strange for them and all of us situactions. Some girl tells a story, how when she was a little girl, her mother and father saw a man who drinks the blood of the animal, all in the village. (In Bulgarian village). And i want to share that this story was written before all twilight crazy things :)
I found many interesting things аnd i will post them later :)
Vamp kisses

Monday, March 22, 2010

In these days more and more i want to write in my blog, i wasnt expect
this :), but i don't complain, I like it. I love to come home and write
something no matter what, have a good influnce in me.
When this night a wish to share something again, i ask myself what i wanted to write about, and for the first time I realize that in this word so many books were written about vampires, but still in this present its the number one book for vampires :) Twilight and when i say this i'm more then sure, because i've read so many of them and still Twilight wins the price and its a drug to me... and for the hole world i think :D even Anne Rice is not that good :). Stephenie Meyer is the best author for vampire story :) because for the fisrt time in this tipe of books are so many info about the world of the vampires and all the mystery and they are written so real that you really can beliеve in all. So little things are describe in way that you will understand immediatly. In her books she describe everything, the desire of human blood to small things, the myths and the whole legends about vampires and werewolfs. Stephenie write so real that you can really believe in the hole story and you can so еasy believe that Edward, Jacob, Bella and all the vampires really exist, because her books are written in this unexpressible way, but still so real and natural.The Twilight saga give a different light on the world of vampires, not so scary and bloodie, maybe thats why i hope somewhere in this world legends are true, and vampires exist. Is good to know that :) is exciting!

Vamp kisses

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fire and Ice

Today again my day passed in reading a fan fictions, in one Twilight fan site which various author presents a different point of view of Twilight saga and of course other books about vampire. I've read so much that i have feeling that my head will explode. Anyway, after much reading, I came to one author, which was written several chapters what would be the life of Bella and Jacob. It was very interesting, I admit, to look at a different point of view, but still it was... i cant find a word to descripe my feeling, yes i like it....:)But still for me it was unnatural, I don't like the idea of Jacob and Bella like a couple, I like Jacob, yes. But for me the love of Edward and Bella is so strong and irreplaceable...they belong together :) I was happy to see in the forum, in this site, that so many people have the same opinion and they was praying in the next chapters of the story to appear Edward, and so many of them were written something like " ОООО NO NO " :) xaxaax i know that feeling. So, so, so many people are obsessed with the hole Twilight, they read and write a fan fictions, which is great.. if i can i will write too :P
I will wait the next chapters of that fan fiction "Jacob and Bella" , because after all its interesting (but when i read i imagine that the story is other and its no general with Twilight )and more important i will wait Edward comes out. The girl who write this have a big imagination, which is great of course and thats why i want to read more of her fictions.
In my posts I dont write so much about vampires in this moment, but I prefer to write about what is in my mind at this point.

Vamp kisses

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dreams if they are consistent and reasonable, become even more beautiful when they create a real world in their own image and likeness!

I desided to start with this sentense, because somehow reminds me
of Twilight and Midnight sun! And because my favorite author
Stephanie Meyer start her books with quote :), i think its original.
I wish to write about Midnight sun, because in these days
i've read a fan fictionts and they are amazing.
The people who write that option of Midnight sun are genuis
and i told them "people write whatever, you are awesome"!
I think that the chapters are written with her own style and
i forgot that they are write by her fans.
My desire is to share about my personal opinion about Edward
and his side of story in Midnight sun(:i don't have patient to read it:)
I cant deny that Edward is my weakness from each perspective i look
and thats why this book Midnight sun is my favorite of all,
and i really hope Stephanie Meyer will finish this book someday and
my first job then is to go to bookstore and buy it...
And you know in this world are so many people who will do exacly the same thing!
After all i'm glad that there are people who have posted these variations of midnight sun, i reading them with a large fascination.
Because all the time we are in Bella's head, just for a while in Jacob
thoughts in Breaking down, but Edward after all is Edward :)
Its really, really intersting too look behind his thoughts, to know about his feelings.
I love everything connected with this vampire love story.
Its like a drug to me to escape in this small world called Twilight, there everything is possible.
I hope my desire come true...and we, all fans of Twilight to sink again in this incredible vampire love story :)

Not so vampire post but with a much vamp kisses!